Opportunism, Authority and Ideology: On the Motivations of Turkish Perpetrators as Portrayed in the 1919 War Crimes Trials


  • Timothy Williams Marburg University; Beyond Violence


The study of the motivations of the people participating in genocide is necessary to fully understand the dynamics of genocide and its genesis, as these are the people who actually implement genocidal policies and provide its material manifestation. This paper looks into the motivations of mid-level perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide through the verdicts of the Ottoman Special Military Tribunal which was established in 1919. It is found that opportunistic motivations dominated for perpetrators’ participation, particularly the opportunity for material gain, rape, forced marriage, free labour and career progression. However, the ambiguous nature of authority, coercive structures and ideological tenets also provided a framework within which perpetrators could become motivated to participate.

Author Biography

Timothy Williams, Marburg University; Beyond Violence

Research fellow at the Centre for Conflict Studies at Marburg University and receives a doctoral research grant from the Heinrich Böll Foundation. In 2015, he was the Raphael Lemkin Fellow of the Armenian Genocide Memorial-Institute in Yerevan, Armenia. He studied at Mannheim University (BA Political Science) and at the London School of Economics (MSc Comparative Politics) and he is the Executive Director of the non-profit organisation Beyond Violence.


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How to Cite

Williams, T. (2016). Opportunism, Authority and Ideology: On the Motivations of Turkish Perpetrators as Portrayed in the 1919 War Crimes Trials. International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 3(1), 26–51. Retrieved from http://gate.grid.am/index.php/ijags/article/view/33