Sarkis Y. Karayan, Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914: A Geographic and Demographic Gazetteer


Author Biography

Robert Tatoyan, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation

Senior Research Fellow, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation, Yerevan, Armenia.


“The Armenian Allegation of Genocide: The issue and the facts,” accessed 20.04.2018, Esat Uras, Tarihte Ermeniler ve Ermeni Meselesi (Ankara: Yeni Matbaa, 1950).

Esat Uras, The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question (Ankara: Documentary Publications, 1988).

Kamuran Gürün, The Armenian File: The Myth of Innocence Exposed (Nicosia and London: K. Rustem and Brother and Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985).

Guenter Lewy, The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey. A Disputed Genocide (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2007).

Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Population, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985).

Justin McCarthy, Muslims and Minorities. The Population of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of the Empire (New York: New York University Press, 1983).

Vahakn N. Dadrian, Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian Conflict (New Brunswick: N.J., Transaction Publishers, 1999).

Levon Marashlian, Politics and Demography: Armenians, Turks, and Kurds in the Ottoman Empire (Cambridge Mass.: Zoryan Institute, 1991).

Raymond H. Kévorkian, Paul B. Paboudjian, Les Arméniens dans l’Empire Ottoman à la veille du génocide (Paris: Editions d’Art et d’Histoire ARHIS, 1992).

Raymond Kévorkian, The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History (London-New York: I.B. Tauris, 2011).

Marcel Leart, La Question Armenienne a La Lumiere des Documents (Paris: Librairie Maritime et Colonial, 1913).

Teodig. Amenoun Taretsoyts [Annual calendar], 1922.




How to Cite

Tatoyan, R. (2019). Sarkis Y. Karayan, Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914: A Geographic and Demographic Gazetteer. International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 4(1), 98–102. Retrieved from

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